The Seers — Romanticizing Sexualized Abuse

The Seers by Sulaiman Addonia uses queer and kinky sex to explore colonialism. The problem is that many of the described sex acts are non-consensual and thus abuse. Instead of contending with this, the book romanticizes them as overcoming broader societal power structures by violating the boundaries of individuals.

Cork and Current—Individual and Privilege

Rachel Cusk’s Parade has recently thrown my mind into turmoil a few times. Its prose can be treacherous, like a ragged mountain. But when it becomes lucid to me, it stabs. It has been quite some time since I’ve felt the need to make excerpts from a book as not to lose these nuggets. One of them prompted me to write this post. Let me share it with you: You’re white and you’re male and things just fall into your lap, and I’m not saying that’s your fault.

Teaching Is Nurturing, Not Explaining

For a while I head loose thoughts swriling around about how my outlook on teaching has changed and possibly, I’ve grabbed them and pinned them down into prose.

Ein Semester als Tutor

Im Sommersemester 2020 hatte ich die Chance als Tutoren Studierenden durch eine Mathevorlesung zu helfen. Das habe ich gelernt.